Hello, I'm Tyler Weiss!

I'm a Computer Scientist based in Philadelphia, PA.

About Me

Welcome to my portfolio website! I am a dedicated Computer Science graduate from Temple University. I am equipped with a strong foundation in both frontend and backend development as well as expertise in network security and IT services. My passion for coding is broad as I am constantly staying up-to-date with the latest technologies. Now, I am seeking opportunities to apply my skills and knowledge in a full-time position within the computer science field. Please explore my projects, portfolio and resume and I hope you find the potential for a rewarding professional collaboration.



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Flutter


  • Python
  • Dart
  • Node.js
  • APIs
  • Flask
  • Firebase


  • Git
  • GitHub
  • IT Service
  • Visual Studio Code


Spotify Playlist Sorter

This project showcases a Flask web application that allows users to sort their Spotify playlists based on release date, track name, and artist name. Additionally, the application offers the option to update existing playlists or create new ones. The application interacts with the Spotify Web API to login, display, and modify personalized playlist data. The playlist sorting algorithm was created using Python, and the web interfaces were created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Technologies Used: Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Spotify Web API

Gym Application

This cross-platform Flutter application is designed to create, manage, and track users' custom workout routines. The application allows users to create personalized workouts by specifying the workout name, adding exercises, and setting the number of sets and repetitions for each exercise. After each completed workout, the application saves the workout data so that users can review them later. All users are authenticated through Firebase, and their workout details are saved in a Firebase database.

Technologies Used: Flutter, Dart, Firebase

Portfolio Website

This project is a personal portfolio website that showcases my technical skills, a collection of my projects as well as my contact information. The website is constructed using HTML for structuring content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for adding interactivity. The use of Bootstrap, a CSS framework, ensures the website's responsiveness and adaptability to various devices. The website is hosted on a Node.js server and deployed using Firebase.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Node.js, Firebase

Contact Me

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